Horse Cave Church of Christ
120 Cave Street l Horse Cave, KY 42749 l 270-786-2550

 Focused on Christ - Thankful for our Salvation -   Glorifying the Lord  -  Serving through Love  -  Preaching Christ to our World

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Introducing the Church

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Introducing the
Church of Christ
Copyright 1981
Star Bible Publications, Fort Worth, Texas 76182

Church of Christ Net Ring

Welcome to our "Home on the Web."  As you browse around, we hope you will learn a little more about the Lord's church here in Horse Cave, Kentucky.  We strive to be the church you read about in the New Testament, the church which Jesus promised to build (Matthew 16:18).  We love the Lord Jesus Christ, His Word and the souls of people.

We strive to honor and glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We believe the world is still in desperate need of the saving gospel of Christ. If you are looking for a place to learn and grow in the Lord and to enjoy Christian fellowship, we welcome you and extend an open invitation to visit with us. You will find a warm and friendly welcome.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 

Thanks for visiting our website!  We want this site to be of benefit to you. Please add this site to your favorites and come back and visit often.  May God bless you.

To learn more about the church of Christ, click on the little blue book to the left "INTRODUCING THE CHURCH OF CHRIST".  It has a wealth of information.  There are other links above it as well. 


ALL about JESUS!!   April 12, 2025

Cave Area Conference Center
Cave City, KY 42127

See Events page



Truth is a most precious thing.

In our world, everyone is searching for something. If you are searching for answers to questions regarding God, Jesus, hope, happiness, faith, life after death, good and evil, the church, the Bible, God's plan for you, or Jesus' love for you, the answers to these can be found in this series of programs.

Please view the first program which is 15-minutes in length, then you will be able to decide whether to watch the additional 5 programs that are designed to help you find the answers to these questions.  While viewing any of these programs, if you have any questions or we can be of help to you, please feel free to email us.  Click on the link below to get started.

Search For Truth




We are happy to offer you a free 8 Lesson Bible Correspondence Course entitled "Finding the Church of the Bible"  This series is by Allen Webster.  This course will take you through the following exciting lessons:
1:  Does the Church One Attend Make a Difference?
2:  Back to Jerusalem: The Restoration Plea

3:  Is the Church Built on the Earth Today?
4: How Can I Identify the Church Jesus Built Among So Many? (Part 1)
5: How Can I Identify the Church Jesus Built Among So Many? (Part 2)
6:  Is the Kingdom of Christ the Same as the Church of Christ?
7: The Greatest Institution on Earth
8:  How Can I Connect with the Church of Christ?

If you want to receive this, drop us an email at:

No one faces a more crucial question than "Can I be certain that I am a member of the church that Jesus built?"   Take time for this study!!





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Search center may be the name of any poplulated place in the world, including any USPS zipcode.






If you have any problems with any part of this website please let us know.
Horse Cave Church of Christ Copyright© 2004  All Rights Reserved


Listen to the sermons from our minister Dennis Hogan here on his Podcast by clicking on the graphic below:

It's All About Jesus


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